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Uncharted-filmen blir prolog til spillene

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Regissør Shawn Levy letter på sløret.


Spillserien "Uncharted" er et av de store flaggskipene til Sony Playstation, og ingen fikk vel hakeslepp da det ble klart at franchisen skulle få en filmversjon. Men rent bortsett fra at "Spider-Man: Homecoming"-stjerna Tom Holland skal spille hovedpersonen Nathan Drake har vi ikke fått vite allverden av hvilken retning filmen tar. Blir det en direkte oversettelse fra spillene? En spinoff? Hva?

Nå melder Cinemablend at "Uncharted" blir en prolog. En origin story om du vil. Fortellingen om hvordan Nathan Drake ble den Nathan Drake vi kjenner fra spillene. Regissør Shawn Levy har sagt følgende:

So, for me, it was a fact that the game is awesome; the spirit of the game, with its action set pieces, it's imaginative setting, and above all, the kind of rogue swagger of Nathan. Those are things that I think make for a great movie. And, for me, the kind of the big, like the aha moment, if you want to call it that, was I met with Tom Holland and he kind of put it really succinctly and saying, if we do the origin of Drake, that is something that we haven't seen as the plot of games 1, 2, 3, 4; we've seen a snippet of an origin of Sully and Drake meeting in the past, but here's maybe an opportunity to do a treasure-hunting action movie with attitude, with a protagonist --- and chapter of the protagonist's life --- that you can't get for free, at home, by just playing the game.

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