Wesley Snipes vil lage Blade 4

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Marvels daywalker er borte, men ikke glemt.


Wesley Snipes snakket nylig med The Hollywood Reporter om "Black Panther"-prosjektet fra 90-tallet som aldri ble noe av. Den nåværende 55-åringen skulle spille den dagsaktuelle superhelten, men filmen strandet av ulike årsaker. I samme intervju blir det snakk om en annen Marvel-karakter, nemlig "Blade" - som Snipes spilte i tre filmer i perioden 1998 - 2004. Er skuespilleren gira på Blade 4? Slik svarer han:

I am very much open to all of the possibilities. If Blade 4 comes along, that is a conversation we can have.

Snipes er også åpen for å gjøre andre opptredener i Marvel-universet.

And there are other characters in the Marvel universe that, if they want to invite me to play around with, I am with that too. I think the fans have a hunger for me to revisit the Blade character, so that could limit where they could place me as another character in that universe.

Selv om det er 14 år siden den siste Blade-filmen, "Blade Trinity", kom ut - har fansen aldri sluttet å drømme om et gjensyn med den vampyrdrepende skikkelsen. Marvel-president Kevin Feige har uttalt til Movieweb at han gjerne skulle sett Blade i Marvels utvidede superheltunivers - MCU. Han går langt i å kalle Blade opphavet til den moderne superheltsjangeren vi ser i dag:

We think it would be cool. Someday. My tenure at Marvel started 17 years ago, and there were two things that sort of launched the modern era. One was X-Men, which was the first thing that people said, 'Oh, there's life here.' But a few years before that, there was Blade. A character nobody had heard of at all, had only appeared in a few issues of Tomb of Dracula or something, turned into a big franchise. That was always a great lesson for me, where you go, 'It doesn't matter how well known the character is, it matters how cool the movie is.' Which, many years later, would be the reason we do Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange. I think Blade is a legacy character now, and I think it would be fun to do something with him one day.

Den som venter får se. Snipes nærmer seg en alder som kanskje ikke lar seg kombinere med kampsportseksperten Blade, men vi i Filmweb krysser fingre og tær for en siste runde med Snipes Blade-tolkning.

Wesley Snipes som Blade
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