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Anmelderne i ekstase over nye Blade Runner: - Bedre enn originalen?

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"Blade Runner 2049" omtales som den mest spektakulære og provoserende storfilmen i vår tid.


Torsdag 5. oktober er det norgespremiere på Denis Villeneuves etterlengtede science fiction-thriller "Blade Runner 2049", oppfølgeren til Ridley Scotts kultklassiker "Blade Runner" fra 1982. Forventningene til filmen, som har blant annet Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling og Jared Leto i hovedrollene, har vært skyhøye- og fallhøyden tilsvarende for regissøren som blant annet har "Arrival" og "Sicario" på CV'n.

Nå ser det imdlertid ut til at vi kan puste lettet ut. Anmeldelsene som hagler inn forespeiler oss nemlig storartet filmkunst. I skrivende stund har "Blade Runner 2049" en kritikerscore på hele 95 % på Rotten Tomatoes og samtlige anmeldere trampeklapper i kinostolene.

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Dette mener anmelderne om "Blade Runner 2049":

One of the most spectacular, provocative, profound and spiritually staggering blockbusters of our time.

- Daily Telegraph

It's hard to make a case against reboots and long-delayed sequels when an exception to the rule like Blade Runner 2049 comes along. No cynical cash-grab or by-the-numbers repeat, this sequel manages to go deeper on the ideas from the first film.

- The Wrap


Villeneuve's dazzling sequel is on its own march to screen legend. Gosling and Ford are double dynamite in a mesmerizing mindbender that asks new questions meant to tantalize, provoke and keep us up nights. Would you have it any other way?

- Rolling Stone

A voluptuous mood bath that's impressively sustained from beginning to end.

- Hollywood Reporter


A visually breathtaking, long-fuse action movie whose unconventional thrills could be described as many things - from tantalizing to tedious - but never "artificially intelligent."

- Variety

Villeneuve's film is a direct continuation in every respect; it's difficult to imagine anyone - even Ridley Scott - making a better Blade Runner sequel.

- Total film


Immersing you in a complete wow, Blade Runner 2049 is the thinking person's sci-fi event of the year.

- Time Out

The brilliance of Blade Runner 2049 is that it makes the questions worth asking, positioning them in a menacing universe that's nevertheless a joy to revisit.

- indieWire


In a world filled with cinema replicants - sturdy, shiny, carefully engineered jobs that almost duplicate the look and warmth of a real movie - "Blade Runner 2049" is that rarest of sequels: An original.

- Newark Star Ledger

Like The Godfather Part II, it's a sequel to a very celebrated film which may actually be better than the original.

- Independent


It just has to be experienced on the biggest screen possible. Blade Runner 2049 is a narcotic spectacle of eerie and pitiless vastness, by turns satirical, tragic and romantic.

- Guardian

"Blade Runner 2049" har premiere torsdag 5. oktober - billetter, trailere og mer om filmen finner du her

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