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Christopher Nolan: - Derfor ga jeg Harry Styles en rolle i Dunkirk

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One Direction-medlemmet gjør sin skuespillerdebut i 2. verdenskrig-filmen.


Det var mange som stusset da stjerneregissøren bak "The Dark Knight", "Inception" og "Interstellar" castet popyndlingen Harry Styles i sin nye storfilm "Dunkirk". En popstjerne som aldri har vært med i en film før. Men Christopher Nolan vet sannsynligvis hva han driver med. På en pressekonferanse nylig forsvarte 46-åringen valget:

I mean, my job as a director is to see potential in within people you’ve cast whether you’re talking about someone’s who’s never done a film before like Fionn and Harry or whether you’re talking about someone who’s very experienced Mark Rylance or Kenneth Branagh. You have to see the potential for them to do something they’ve never done before. That’s really the idea.

LES OGSÅ: Harry Styles kjemper for livet i ny Dunkirk-trailer

Best av hundre

Nå skal det sies at Styles åpenbart ikke er valgt kun på grunn av sin populæritet. One Direction-sangeren måtte ifølge Screenrant gjennom en omfattende mengde audition-runder, hvor cirka 100 andre håpefulle også prøvespilte. Styles tok råtta på dem alle.

You try not to cast people who have done these roles because they won’t feel challenged. They won’t get anything out of the experience. You can’t worry too much about previous roles like Mark has done, you know and Harry… I think the audience when they come to the film, if we all do our job right, they’ll become invested in what we’ve created, sier Nolan.

Les mer om "Dunkirk" og se trailer her.

Harry Styles i Dunkirk
Foto: Christoffer Nolan

Større enn antatt

Christopher Nolan har tidligere innrømmet at han ikke ante hvor populær Styles faktisk var før han castet sangeren til "Dunkirk". Det skriver The Hollywood Reporter:

I don’t think I was that aware really of how famous Harry was. I mean, my daughter had talked about him. My kids talked about him, but I wasn’t really that aware of it. So the truth is, I cast Harry because he fit the part wonderfully and truly earned a seat at the table.

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