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Colin Farrell teaser Penguins rolle i The Batman

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Vi har et par..."tasty" scener i vente.


Matt Reeves kommende "The Batman" er heeeelt klart blant de heiteste og mørkeste filmene i anmarsj. Ikke bare er rollebesetningen over middels tilfredsstillende (vi nevner bare Paul Dano, Robert Pattinson og Zoe Kravitz), de første bildene vi har sett fra innspillingen er også latterlig lovende.

Les også: The Batman blir den mørkeste Batman-filmen

En av rollene vi er mest spent på, er Gothams superskurk Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot - som skal spilles av selveste Collin Farrell. Vi har allerede fått en smakebit på hvordan karakteren vil se ut, men i et nylig intervju med GMA avslører skuespilleren ytterlige detaljer om pingvinens medvirkning i historien:

"I had only started it and I can’t wait to get back (til innspillingen). The creation of it, the aesthetic of the character, has been fun and I really am so excited to get back and explore it. And I haven’t got that much to do. I have a certain amount in the film. I am not all over it by any means. But there are a couple of some tasty scenes I have in it and my creation and I can’t wait to get back. Yeah, I totally feel like it is something that I have not had the opportunity to explore before. It feels original and fun. But I am only at the start of the journey so I can’t wait to get back and really get into it."

Farrell røper også at "Batman"-interessen hans strekker langt tilbake i tid:

"It’s all exciting. To be a part of that universe and just there are certain words that are part of my internal lexicon: Gotham City, Penguin, Joker, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, all these things.

Tim Burton’s Batman was kind of my, no, I watched the Adam West TV show growing up actually as well. So Batman as a kid, yes very much, not in comic book form but the TV show I watched ardently when I was a child. And then in my teens I saw Burton’s version and loved it.

And then obviously I was a huge fan of what Chris Nolan did with that world and how he brought it back to life and gave it an immediacy and a contemporary significance. So just to be part of, again that folklore, that mythology, is again really cool.”

"The Batman"-premieren er satt til 1. oktober 2021. Innspillingen, som startet rett over nyttår, er foreløpig satt på vent grunnet pandemien.

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