OBS: Spoiler-advarsel! Palpatine + The Rise of Skywalker=...?

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Star Wars-regissøren åpner opp om karakteren i nytt intervju.


Premieren på "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", det niende (og, visstnok, avsluttende?) kapittelet i Skywalker-sagaen, nærmer seg - og filmens regissør J.J. Abrams har åpenbart hatt behov for å snakke om filmen de siste ukene. I oktober uttalte han seg om den o'store avslutningen, og i et nylig intervju med Uproxx åpnet han seg om comebacket til den pur onde karakteren Senator Palpatine aka the Sith Lord Darth Sidious - spilt av Ian McDiarmid.

Neeeida, Abrams har selvsagt ikke avslørt noen kritiske plott-detaljer, men da regissøren ble spurt om han hadde planer for Palpatines tilbakekomst allerede da den nye trilogien startet (med "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"), svarte Abrams; "Well, when you look at this as nine chapters of a story, perhaps the weirder thing would be if Palpatine didn’t return.”

Les også: De nye Star Wars-karakterplakatene ser ut som...samlekort?

Videre la han til:

- You just look at what he talks about, who he is, how important he is, what the story is — strangely, his absence entirely from the third trilogy would be conspicuous. It would be very weird. That’s not to say there was a bible and we knew what happens at every step. But when Larry Kasdan and I worked on The Force Awakens, we didn’t do it in a vacuum. We very purposely looked at what came before. We chose to tell a story that touches upon specific things and themes and ideas that we’ve seen before, to begin a new story. But we examined all that came before to ask where does this feel like it’s going?

Abrams fortsatte:

- So there were discussions about that at the time. Yet, like any beginning, you want to put the threads in, but you don’t want to necessarily be literal about everything. And then when Rian was brought on to do The Last Jedi, we met and we talked about things and he wrote his story. And when I read it the script, I realized this didn’t get in the way of anything Larry and I talked about that I thought I’d get to. There were some very specific things we did get to do in this movie that we were laughing and going, “Oh my god, we’re finally doing that thing we talked about five years ago".


Palpatine spilte monsterskurk i både den originale trilogien - og i prequel-trilogien, så det det henger på greip at han også inkluderes i finalen. Spørsmålet er bare hvordan? Som dere kanskje husker, sørget Darth Vader for Palpatines eksplosive død i "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi", så vi skjønner ikke helt...Snakker vi tilbakeblikk, oppstandelse eller gjenferd her?

Vi må nok (som vanlig) bare smøre oss med tålmodighet og vente med å finne ut av dette til 18. desember. Vi har premierebilletter. Yay.

Billetter, trailer og mer om "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" finner du her.

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