Konthayum Poonoolum

Konthayum Poonoolum

1 t 59 m
Skrekk / Mystikk

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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Konthayum Poonoolum
Sjanger: Skrekk / Mystikk
Manus: Jijo Antony
Nasjonalitet: India
Språk: Malayalam
Produksjonsår: 2014

The movie deals with the trials and tribulations of multiple disconnected characters trying to find meaning in the spiritual and super natural experiences they have. The intertwining story threads include a baker (Kunchako) going to meet his pregnant wife (Bhama), a moneylender (Manoj K Jayan) with an imaginary friend (Saiju Kurup), an atheist policeman (Kalabhavan Mani) who is unfaithful to his wife, an old man (Janardhanan) whose daughter (Anju Aravind) gets into a road accident, a photographer (Joy Mathew) and a college girl (Sarayu) trying to prank her room mates.