Veien til Guantanamo

Veien til Guantanamo

1 t 35 m
Dokumentar / Drama
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Originaltittel: The Road to Guantanamo
Sjanger: Dokumentar / Drama
Nasjonalitet: Storbritannia
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 2006

Road to Guantanamo directed by Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross, uses interviews, news footage, and reenactments to tell the story of the Tipton Three, young British men of Pakistani descent who were detained for over two years without charges at Guantanamo Bay by the American military. Shafiq (played by Riz Ahmed in the reenactments), Ruhel (Farhad Harun), Asif (Arfan Usman), and Monir (Waqar Siddiqui) traveled to Pakistan to take part in Asifs wedding to a Pakistani girl. Once in Pakistan, they hooked up with Zahid (Shahid Iqbal), Shafiqs cousin, and they all met in Karachi. There, they attended a mosque, where the imam urged worshipers to help those in need in Afghanistan, and where an inexpensive bus trip over the border was organised. Out of a sense of charity, or perhaps a naive lust for adventure, the young men decided to travel to Afghanistan. The American bombing campaign begins shortly after they arrive. While trying to get back over the border, they find themselves