Charade (1963)

Charade (1963)

1 t 53 m
Komedie / Mystikk / Romantikk / Thriller
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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Charade (1963)
Originaltittel: Charade
Sjanger: Komedie / Mystikk / Romantikk / Thriller
Nasjonalitet: USA
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 1963

This is a murder mystery with a difference. Filled with unexpected twists and turns, the narrative has your mind on constant overdrive, trying to figure out how the plot will unfold. More often than not, you are caught on the wrong foot. You start guessing again - only to be outdone by another clever twist in the narrative. Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Coburn, Jacques Marin & Walter Matthau