Sonny Boy

Sonny Boy

2 t 10 m
Drama / Romantikk / Krig og politikk
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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Sonny Boy
Sjanger: Drama / Romantikk / Krig og politikk
Nasjonalitet: Nederland
Språk: Nederlandsk
Produksjonsår: 2011

The film ‘Sonny Boy’ is based on the book ‘The Boy Between Worlds’ by Annejet van der Zijl, based on the true story of a forbidden love. In the fall of 1928 Waldemar Nods and Rika van der Lans see each other for the first time. It’s an encounter of two worlds: he’s black, she’s white; he hasn’t turned 20 yet, she’s almost 40; he’s a student from the exotic Surinam, she’s typical Dutch, married and mother of four. Shortly after their first meeting, she appears to be pregnant, a scandal that cannot be overseen and the Second World War is about to erupt …