The Boy from Geita

The Boy from Geita

1 t 19 m
Drama / Dokumentar

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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt The Boy from Geita
Skuespillere: Adam Robert, Peter Ash
Sjanger: Drama / Dokumentar
Regi: Vic Sarin
Manus: Vic Sarin, Simon Rieber
Nasjonalitet: Tanzania, Canada
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 2015

In Tanzania, the albinism of people like Adam makes them vulnerable not only to the sun''s rays, but also to persecution and violent hate crimes. Local witch doctors propagate the belief that body parts of albino children bring good fortune. Ostracized from society and fearing for his life, Adam finds an unlikely kindred spirit in Peter Ash, a Canadian businessman and fellow albino.