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Plakat for 'Elias'

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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Elias
Nasjonalitet: Frankrike, Spania
Språk: Spansk
Produksjonsår: 2013

Elias is a young French guy who has moved to Barcelona. In his country of origin, he has nobody but his grandmother, whom he hasn't seen for ten years. Unwillingly, he works as a prostitute in order to survive, even if he fears AIDS. The other streetwalkers, who once were his new family, now make him feel irritated and distant, even though one of them is in love with him. The only person he is fond of is a scared young boy who often goes to the parish youth club and is under the supervision of a strict priest. Perhaps that child reminds him of his childhood and has the same insecurities he had. This is what is happening to Elias: he's not satisfied with his present, while his past is a tangle of unsolved problems. What does the future hold for him?