Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

1 t 39 m

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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Amazing Grace
Sjanger: Komedie
Nasjonalitet: USA
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 1974

Amazing Grace is a 1974 light comedy featuring black comedienne Moms Mabley as a widow who tries to influence the local mayoral election in Baltimore, Maryland, after she discovers that a black candidate is being used by the incumbent mayor to further his own reelection efforts. Mabley appeared in the film, along with veteran actors Butterfly McQueen and Stepin Fetchit, only a year before her death at the age of 81. The film does not deal with the popular Christian hymn (with words by John Newton) but is a play on Mabley's character, who happens to be named Grace. It has been released on home video.