Damn the Defiant!

Damn the Defiant!

1 t 41 m
Eventyr / Historie / Krig og politikk
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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Damn the Defiant!
Originaltittel: H.M.S. Defiant
Sjanger: Eventyr / Historie / Krig og politikk
Nasjonalitet: Storbritannia
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 1962

Alec Guinness must battle a mutinous crew and Napoleon''s fleet in the rousing, historical adventure Damn the Defiant! As commander of the British warship H.M.S. Defiant, the humane Crawford (Guinness) strives to maintain order throughout the ship against the ceaseless brutality of sadistic first mate Scott-Padget (Dirk Bogarde). After Crawford is injured in a fiery battle with a French treasure ship, angry seaman Vizard (Anthony Quayle) leads the crew to mutiny when Scott-Padget takes over. Now with Vizard in command, Crawford persuades him to join the British fleet to help fight against France''s planned invasion of England in hopes for a mutiny pardon. But when a vengeful sailor murders Scott-Padget, the Defiant crew must decide between saving their country or their own lives.