Last Train to Berlin

Last Train to Berlin

1 t 23 m
Drama / Krig og politikk
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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Last Train to Berlin
Originaltittel: Rekvijem
Sjanger: Drama / Krig og politikk
Manus: Caslav Damjanovic, Lilly Diamond
Nasjonalitet: Yugoslavia
Språk: sh
Produksjonsår: 1970

As the allies are closing in closer to Paris following D-Day, the German high command evacuate a large shipment of Nazi gold, to avoid capture. Meanwhile in a small a Mountain town in Yugoslavia a commando (Ty Hardin) joins a group of patriots aided by a former rail worker bent on revenge against the Nazis, who are planning to heist the train before it can reach Berlin, and help continue the war!