Con Man

Con Man


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Foreløpig har ingen anmeldt Con Man
Sjanger: Komedie
Nasjonalitet: USA
Språk: Engelsk
Produksjonsår: 2015–2017

Con Man centers on the post-show life of Wray Nerely the co-star of “Spectrum,” a sci-fi series, which was canceled before its time and went on to become a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore starred as the series Captain and has gone on to become a major celebrity, while Wray hasn’t found his desired level of stardom. Wray is the begrudging guest of sci-fi conventions, comic book store appearances, and different pop culture events; however, everything is not as it seems from the outside. The series will explore these events and all the weird and crazy things that happen to them along the way.